30 years and counting

October 31, 2007

Just realized I was hired by the General Assembly October 27, 1977. That’s the origin of the blog subtitle “30 Years on Jones Street”. I actually started work November 14, 1977.

Joe Herzenberg, strategist: all politics is local

October 30, 2007

I posted yesterday about Joe Herzenberg’s  passing. Last night I thought about some Joe Herzenberg tales. Here’s one!

Joe was long time Democratic precinct chair in Orange County’s East Franklin Precinct. Joe believed that all politics was local, and in 1974 decided to prove that endorsements from neighbors was crucial.  He had a meeting with a group in the precinct, coming up with a list of endorsements, that were typed on a sheet of paper, copied, and put at the door of every registered Democrat in the precinct two or three days before the election.

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RIP Joe Herzenberg 1941-2007

October 29, 2007

UPDATE 1/23/2008: Another Joe Herzenberg blog is up at http://joeherzenberg.blogspot.com/ extensive research, lots of scans of old memorabilia and a bigg blogroll


Back many centuries ago (actually 1973-79), I served on the Chapel Hill Town Council. When I resigned from the Council in the middle of my second four-year term, Joe Herzenberg was appointed to fill the last two years of my term. In addition to 1979-1981, Joe also served from 1987-1993.  Joe died last night at UNC Hospitals, surrounded by many friends (including myself). Kathie Young, longtime LA to Senator Ellie Kinnaird, assisted Joe greatly in the 18 months he had been seriously ill, going above and beyond the call of duty.

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Yes, no posts for three weeks

October 20, 2007

Yes, I know I haven’t posted anything for three weeks — I’ve been busy with stuff like:

  1. Spent September 28-30 in Blacksburg watching the Heels get demolished by the Hokies
  2. October is Performance Appraisal Month at work, I’ve prepared for and done ten staff appraisals and have five more to do.
  3. Attended two meetings of the Special Transit Advisory Committee out at RDU Airport, another meeting is upcoming October 31.
  4. Attended the American Public Transportation Assocation annual meeting in Charlotte October 7-10. Got to ride Charlotte’s new South Line Light Rail that will debut service in late November. Quite impressive.
  5. Monday, October 22, I’ll be at the Southeast High Speed Rail conference in Raleigh.

This is one of the low points of the two year cycle of bill drafting requests, so I’m trying to get ahead on some major issues upcoming  the next two years.